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Table of Contents: Volume 16; Issue 12; December 2024

Life Sciences

  1. Ardhendu Kumar Mandal, Parthasarathi Bhattacharyya, Rantu Paul and Snehasikta Swarnakar

    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a form of diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD), is marked by honeycombing radiologically and characterized by dysregulated fibrogenesis. The other features include aberrant extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling and angiogenesis. Hence, the aims of study were to evaluate whether MMP-mediated pathway is involved in angiogenesis and the effect of curcumin thereon in DPLD. Firstly, MMP-9 activity in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from with or without honeycombing patients was investigated by Zymography technique. Then BALF samples were evaluated for TNF-α and MMP-9 levels by Western blot analysis, while tubulogenesis by matrigel and angiogenesis by chick chorioallantoic membrane assays. Our study demonstrates that MMP-9 protein expression and activity levels associated with TNF-α protein expression were higher in the BALF of honeycombing +ve patients in comparison to the honeycombing –ve group suggesting MMP-9 plays a pivotal role in TNF-α-mediated down-stream axis protein expressions followed by tubulogenesis and vascularization for angiogenesis to occur. Incubation of BALF from honeycombing +ve patients with curcumin inhibited MMP-9 activity, and expressions of MMP-9, VEGF, pP38MAPK and Egr-3 molecules associated to angiogenesis. Therefore, Curcumin might have a therapeutic significance for arresting dysregulated angiogenesis in honeycombing +ve DPLD patients.

  2. Hiralal Jana and Debabrata Basu

    Dragon fruit, as the name suggests, resembles a dragon. It grows on climbing cactus known as Hylocereus, which can be found in tropical regions. The outer covering of dragon fruit is in shades of red and pink or yellow. Their leaves resemble a dragon and have spikes that shoot up like a flame around the fruit. Hylocereus originally grew in Southern Mexico, South & Central America. The inside of a dragon fruit is white, semi-solid fruit that can be eaten with a spoon and has nutty seeds sprinkled all over it. It is juicy with a slightly sweet taste, whereas the seeds have a nutty flavour. Farmers are enthusiastic in dragon fruit farming as a new and promising crop that offers both difficulties and potential. Dragon fruit, pitaya or strawberry pear (Hylocereus spp. and Selenicereus spp.) or Kamalam is emerging as a super crop worldwide, even in the marginal lands, owing to its health and medicinal benefits. It is basically a climbing cactus vine, tolerant to the abiotic stresses and resistant to pests and diseases. It has many advantages including low water and nutrient requirements, relatively less requirement of resources for establishing the orchard and maintenance; multiple harvest of fruit in a year; potential to sustain high yield up to 20 years; high benefit to cost ratio; and high nutraceuticals and functional properties (e.g. rich in antioxidants and fibres). All these qualities are attracting the growers worldwide to establish and expand dragon fruit farming, provide opportunity for global export and encourage for high quality produce to meet the market demand. Being a crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant with xerophytes’ characters, it has got ability to grow in a wide range of agro–climates including areas of high temperature and water scarcity regions. Furthermore, the fruit has a higher profit margin than other field crops. Weeds, bird invasions, high labor expenses, lack of technical knowledge of farmers on dragon fruit farming were recognized as major obstacles to fruit production. More government support, and fixing the issues described above could increase the fruit’s future prospects in the country.

Physical Sciences and Engineering

  1. Deepika, N., and Dr. Raja, S.R.

    Veterinary telemedicine, when integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI), is rapidly emerging as an innovative and effective solution for providing healthcare services to street animals, a group that often faces significant barriers in accessing traditional veterinary care. Street animals, including stray dogs and cats, frequently suffer from a variety of health issues, such as infections, injuries, malnutrition, and diseases, yet they lack access to timely and adequate veterinary attention. The use of AI in veterinary telemedicine can bridge this gap by enabling remote consultations, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations, all of which are crucial in ensuring the health and well-being of these animals. This paper explores the application of AI technologies, particularly machine learning and deep learning algorithms, to enhance the capabilities of telemedicine platforms for street animals. These AI-powered systems are capable of analysing symptoms, diagnosing conditions, and suggesting appropriate treatments, even without the need for direct in-person veterinary visits. By doing so, the system ensures quicker and more accurate medical interventions, ultimately improving the chances of recovery and preventing the escalation of health issues. Moreover, the integration of telemedicine and AI reduces the burden on veterinarians by enabling them to manage and monitor multiple cases remotely. This paper provides a detailed examination of the system’s design and architecture, the core technologies used, and the potential benefits it offers to both street animals and veterinary professionals. Additionally, it reviews existing telemedicine solutions in the veterinary field, identifying their limitations and highlighting how AI integration can address these challenges. Through this study, the paper aims to showcase the transformative potential of AI-powered veterinary telemedicine in improving animal welfare, particularly in underserved areas where street animals often suffer in silence.

  2. Balaji and Raja, S. R.

    In this research paper is to relate effectiveness of KNN algorithm and the Gradient Boost algorithm for editing prostate cancer, in order to determine which one is more efficient. Materials and methods: This study aimed to relate K Nearest Neighbor and Gradient Boost machine learning algorithms for predicting prostate cancer. Each algorithm was run more than ten times, and the top five performing models were recorded for each. The analysis was performed on a sample size of 20, divided into two groups of N=10. Our approach achieved an accuracy rate of over 81%, suggesting potential for developing an effective prostate cancer diagnostic tool. Results and discussion: The suggested machine learning methods have the potential to improve prostate cancer diagnosis and could have a significant impact on patient outcomes. The significant value is p=0.01 which is less than the 0.05. So there is a significant variance between the two sets. Conclusion: The study highlights the significance of accurate prostate cancer prediction for early detection and effective treatment. The research results indicated that the Gradient Boost model achieved superior accuracy of 81% in comparison to KNN, which achieved an accuracy of 66%.

  3. Dr. Epane Nsako Dejeannot

    L’entrepreneuriat sportif connait un regain d’intérêt au cours de ces dernières décennies dans nos terroirs. Il est abordé dans cette étude avec l’approche des championnats des vacances dans le Moungo. Ce travail contribue àl’analyse de l’entrepreneuriat sportif et les implications socioéconomiques et politiques induites à partir des championnats de vacances. La collecte des données a mobilisé aussi bien l’approche quantitative que qualitative auprès dequatre-vingtsentrepreneurs de football. Les résultats montrent que les promoteurs de profils divers sont impliqués dans la promotion et le développement des championnats de vacances dans le Moungo. Ces promoteurs, quels que soient le genre et le statut social, présentent une trajectoire assez impressionnante et remarquable. Les implications induites sur le plan socioéconomique et politique permettent aux des promoteurs de se faire un nom, mais aussi de spécifier la nature des activités et des emplois temporaires développés autour de cet évènement. Malgré les moyens mobilisés pour les rendre attractifs, les championnats de vacances restent confrontés à de problèmes d’ordre socioéconomiques et environnementaux.

  4. Dr. Karthikeyan, S.

    The proposed topology significantly reduces the number of dc voltage sources, switches, IGBTs, and power diodes as the number of output voltage levels increases. To synthesize maximum levels at the output voltage, the proposed topology is optimized for various objectives, such as the minimization of the number of switches, gate driver circuits and capacitors, and blocking voltage on switches. This new type of converter is suitable for high voltage and high power applications. This multilevel inverter has ability to synthesize waveforms with better harmonics spectrum. In this project a study of 13-level inverter using less number of switches as compare to the technologies previously developed. MATLAB software is used for simulate the 13-level inverter. Also a comparison analysis is carried out for symmetrical and asymmetrical multi-level inverter with open loop as well as closed loop using PI controller. The simulation was carried out using MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation study demonstrates the merits of asymmetrical multi-level inverter over symmetrical multi-level inverter and also proves the effectiveness of closed loop PI controller in providing an output voltage with reduced distortions.

  5. Dr. Karthikeyan, S.

    The main difficult in present power system is that, it fails to meet increasing load demand and growing of population. Consideration of environmental problems and greenhouse effect, renewable energy sources are alternative to meet this requirement. So that, DG systems to become a future energy source due to advantage of environmental conditions and energy costs linked with addition of existed energy systems. Out of all DG systems, PV and Wind energy systems are alternative to each other to maintain the load supply reliability. A DC-DC converter with MPPT technique is used to regulate the DG systems. A INC algorithm is proposed as MPPT technique in this paper. The inverter of hybrid system is implemented with Fuzzy technique to improve power quality. This hybrid system is tested in Matlab/Simulink environment and verified the results for various load conditions to meet the demand.

  6. Hassami Ouédraogo, Césard Millogo, Sayoba Kafando and Samuel Nakolendoussé

    The groundwater resources of crystalline bedrock regions are primarily located within lithostructural discontinuities. While traditional methods of photo-interpretation of satellite imagery are widely employed, they are often constrained by factors such as cloud cover, dense vegetation, and the subjectivity of the interpreter. To mitigate these biases, an automated approach employing the PCI LINE module of PCI Geomatica has been adopted to extract lineaments from Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery, aiming to enhance the reliability of fracture network mapping. The study area, which encompasses the municipality of Tanghin Dassouri, is situated in the central region of Burkina Faso and is dominated by granitoids. It is traversed by a complex network of tectonic structures (faults and shear zones) that may facilitate the presence of groundwater reservoirs. The automated extraction of lineaments has identified a total of 427 fractures, with lengths ranging from 16 meters to 4814 meters, and has revealed three primary directional classes: NW-SE, N-E, and E-W, corresponding to major orogenic phases. These findings were validated by electrical resistivity profiles, which confirmed the presence of conductive structures interpreted as shear zones, likely to contain groundwater. The results of this study indicate that remote sensing, when combined with automated lineament extraction and field verification, is an effective tool for identifying aquifer fractures and optimizing the location of high-yield boreholes in crystalline areas. The integration of these techniques can significantly improve groundwater resource management strategies in the Tanghin Dassouri region and beyond.


    Cette étude a pour objectif de contribuer à la préservation de la qualité de l’eau de la rivière Kou sous la pression des activités agricoles. Pour ce faire, un inventaire de champs et d’intrants agricoles a été réalisé pour déterminer le taux d’occupation des sols et les différents facteurs de pollution sur la bande de servitude de 100 mètres de large le long des deux rives de la rivière. Les résultats montrent que les berges des cinq villages riverains de la rivière sont occupées par des champs avec un taux d’occupation global moyen de 31,2%. Le taux d’occupation le plus élevé est de 36,5%au niveau du village de Diaradougou. Les facteurs de pollution des eaux constatés sont essentiellement liés à l’occupation des berges, à l’utilisation des intrants agricoles (pesticides et engrais chimique) et aux moyens d’exhaures utilisés pour l’irrigation. Les pesticides, recensés au nombre de 37 sont pour la plupart des insecticides (22 formulations), des herbicides (14 formulations) et des fongicides (1 formulation). Soixante-deux pour cent (62%) de ces pesticides sont homologués par le Comité Sahélien des Pesticides. Des mesures doivent être prises pour une gestion durable de cette ressource au regard des conditions d’utilisation des intrants chimiques.


    Pour arriver à un « accès aux soins pour tous », l’Etat tchadien et ses partenaires au développement ont mobilisé assez de ressources dans la construction des infrastructures et la réhabilitation de certains centres de santé afin de réduire la distance d’accès aux soins. De grosses sommes d’argent ont été également injectées dans la formation du personnel soignant, dans l’achat d’équipements de soins de santé, le tout couronné par l’application du décret de la gratuité de soins de santé maternelle, infantile et d’urgence depuis 2013. Pour quel résultat ? Le présent article se veut une contribution dans l’identification des conditions géographiques expliquant la sous-utilisation des centres de santé par les femmes, dans la province du Logone Occidental. La méthodologie retenue s’articule autour d’une recherche documentaire et d’une enquête par questionnaire auprès des ménages, d’un focus groupe auprès des femmes en âge de procréer et des entretiens avec les responsables des centres de santé et leader villageois. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que dans le Logone occidental, le taux de mortalité maternelle est très élevé (1200 décès sur 100 000 naissances), surtout chez les primipares et leurs nouveau-nés (23,1 décès sur 100 naissances). Ce fort taux de mortalité maternelle est lié à la faible utilisation des services de soins santé modernes par les femmes. Parmi les raisons évoquées par celles-ci pour justifier le refus de l’utilisation des services de soins obstétricaux, figurent en tête la défectuosité de l’état des routes rendant difficile la circulation (40,34%) et l’ignorance (36%). L’amélioration des infrastructures routières s’impose comme un levier essentiel pour la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale.

Health Sciences

  1. Kaish Pathan, Dr. Mihir Parmar, Dr. Salaj Khare and Imtyaz. M. Bagban

    The leading chronic neurodegenerative ailments in the world is Alzheimer's disease (AD).The pathophysiological basis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) comprises aberrant tau protein phosphorylation, abnormal beta-amyloid protein (Aβ) deposition, reduced cholinergic content activity, glutamate toxicity, autophagy, inflammation, mitochondria-targeting, and multi-targeting.(1)There are already a few symptomatic medications for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD), however these compounds can only momentarily enhance patients' memory retention when given to those with the initial phases of the disease. The understanding of this challenging illnesses has advanced recently, and it has recently been identified as a multifactorial disease. As therefore, researchers are currently concentrating more on the development of molecules that may function on multiple pathogenic aspects all at once.(2)Important emerging knowledge about the etiology and underlying variables of AD is being provided by epidemiological and genetic studies. These studies are also highlighting areas of focus for future research into mechanisms and medical treatments.The broad use of genome wide association studies has generated strong evidence of the genetic complexity of AD, relating genes linked to lipid metabolism and immunology, among other physiologic processes, to the pathophysiology of the disease.(3) The pathological hallmarks of AD include the accumulation and aggregation of hyperphosphorylated Tau as neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and neuropil threads.In a variety of animal models, both active and passive immunizations targeting the Tau protein have demonstrated the ability to reduce or prevent Tau pathology and enhance either motor or cognitive impairment.In this review, we discuss results from both human and animal studies and provide an overview of current developments in active and passive immunization targeting pathogenic Tau protein. Together, we give a brief overview about problems being encountered in these immunotherapies.(4)

  2. GUISSEAhmed, KONATE Daouda and SOW Djoulde

    This study concerns the fish population of the estuary and mangrove areas of the bay of Sangaréah carried out from January 2015 to December 2016, at the rate of a monthly sample, carried out in the first week of each month. The methodology used by (7) has been used for qualitative and quantitative studies of ichthyoplankton. Thus, the study made it possible to inventory 5938 individuals divided between 20 families and 30 species, dominated by the Clupeidae (26%). The high concentration of ichthyoplanktonic organisms is observed in the areas of Sonfonia, Samatran, Soumba and Arabanty. In short, the constant presence of eggs and larvae of ontogenetic stages make these areas of estuaries and mangroves environments for migration advection, ontogenetic development and food. Ichthyoplankton is one of the modern tools used in bio-indication and bio-monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Has diverse population, dominated by eggs and larvs

  3. Prof. (Dr.) Dilip Kr. Goswami

    Obstructed labour is an emergency situation for the obstetricians. If appropriate measure will not be taken promptly with sufficient expertise then it may prove to be fatal not only to the baby inside the utero but also to the mother. Early diagnosis of obstructed labour may be proved to be the boon to the family. Obstructed labour is a situation that gives rise to difficulty in delivery of the child through the natural route (vagina) and may arise due to (1) mal presentation and (2)contracted pelvis in relation to the head of the foetus which is the natural presenting part. Mal presentation means and indicates progress of the part of the body of the child towards the path of delivery which is not the vertex (head). In this situation the presenting part may be hand(s), feet(s), buttock or breech (back). Expulsion of these parts through the natural route of the mother is not possible unless there will be external interference and assistance. In such situations delay in delivery may cause death of the foetus which is followed by further complications including serious manifestations on the mother including death. Hence the modern obstetrics discuss obstructed labour with utmost importance. In concern with the topic, when searched seriously, it is observed that, Susruta, the father of Indian surgery, in Susruta Samhita, before thousands of years of Christ, discuss with importance and priority. In this article effort is made by the author to throw light on the concept of obstructed labour management which can be corelated with Mudhagarbha chikitsa to disseminate the interesting facts and ideas of the scholar. Hope the academicians, scholars and researchers will get valuable informations related to the topic from the present article.

  4. Dr. Chandni Mehta, Dr. Kinjal Savani and Dr. Namrata Shah

    Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension is a high risk pregnancy that threatens the health of the mother or her foetus. The recent introduction of colour Doppler flow imaging provides opportunity for non-invasive monitoring during pregnancy. Objective: The aim of present study was to know the significance of Doppler in pregnancy induced hypertension and to analyse their role in predicting perinatal outcome. Materials and Methods: It was a prospective study conducted amongst 180 women diagnosed with PIH from August 2018 to November 2019 in a general hospital which is a tertiary level referral centre having well equipped Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). All pregnant women diagnosed with PIH after 20 weeks of gestation were included in the study. Pulsatility Index (PI) in uterine, umbilical and middle cerebral artery were noted and end diastolic flow in umbilical artery doppler was also noted. Their perinatal outcome was noted. Results: It is observed that maximum number of pregnant women were in the age group of 20-24 years.144 patients suffering from PIH had mild disease whereas 36 patients had severe disease. 31 patients had diastolic notch in uterine artery. 33 patients had elevated umbilical artery PI while 147 patient had normal PI. 2 patients showed reversal and 28 patients showed absent end diastolic flow. 34 patients had decreased MCA PI while 146 patients had normal PI. 35 patients had abnormal MCA/Umbilical artery PI ratio whereas 145 patients had normal ratio. 41 had adverse perinatal outcome and 139 had uneventful outcome. 21 patients had elevated uterine artery PI as well as adverse perinatal outcome. 23 patients had uterine artery diastolic notch as well as adverse perinatal outcome. 29 patients had elevated umbilical artery PI as well as adverse perinatal outcome. 31 patients had decreased MCA PI as well as adverse perinatal outcome. 32 patients had MCA/Umbilical artery PI ratio less than 1.08 as well as adverse perinatal outcome. Conclusion: The knowledge of uterine, umbilical and middle cerebral artery waveform may help to improve pregnancy management and permit identification of pregnancy induced hypertension at earliest gestation age. Doppler plays an important role in monitoring growth restricted foetus and thereby may help to determine the optimal time for delivery.

  5. Victor Collins Wutor, Nicholas Tetteh Kofi Adjimani, Charles Nii Kwade Ofei-Palm and Benoit Banga N’Guessan

    This paper aims to assess the prescription trends of anticancer drugs for breast cancer management among clients attending the prestigious Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Ghana. In this study, the types of anticancer drugs, the frequency of prescription, and the distribution of prescribed anticancer medications at different stages of breast cancer were assessed using a cross-sectional retrospective study conducted over six months in 2021. Information was carefully extracted from KATH’s e-computerized medical records on the backs of 69 clientele diagnosed with breast cancer. The mode of chemotherapeutic agents outlined in the work included Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Paclitaxel, and the targeted therapy, Herceptin, in concordance with recent recommended trends in the management of oncological conditions. The frequency and regularity of these prescriptions and their correlations with demographic variables in patients, their cancer staging, and general details of treatments’ side effects were established. It was further shown that local treatment adheres to international protocols, whereby standard drugs for breast cancer therapy were used significantly throughout the stages. However, one of the research findings was that many patients were diagnosed at a late stage- stages IB and IV which affects treatment outcomes and was confirmed as an important area to be addressed. Furthermore, the research found high proportions of side effects, which include fatigue, hair loss, and gastrointestinal complications; hence, there is a need to incorporate better methods of managing supportive care. In conclusion, it can be said that KATH partially complies with EB Guidelines in the treatment of breast cancer through chemotherapy. Though the data strengthens the policy of compliance with EB guidelines in the treatment of breast cancer, there is an increased focus on early detection and education to reduce the number of patients diagnosed at an advanced stage. Another is patient education and side effect management, which forms further crucial economic interventions in promoting favourable treatment results and better patient quality of life. This research provides the groundwork for subsequent intervention studies that target improvement of the quality of breast cancer care at KATH and other comparable centers.

  6. Sanjeev Kumar, Dr. Satendra Narayan Singh, Dr. Harshit Bansal and Dr. Arun G Pillai

    Microwave ablation (MWA) is an advanced, minimally invasive technique used for the treatment of solid tumors. By utilizing microwave energy, MWA generates heat that causes tumor cells to undergo coagulative necrosis, leading to their destruction. The technique has gained widespread acceptance due to its precision, efficacy, and ability to treat tumors in difficult-to-reach locations. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the principles and techniques underlying microwave ablation, as well as its clinical applications across various cancer types, including liver, kidney, lung, and thyroid tumors. The advantages of MWA—such as shorter recovery times, reduced risk of complications, and the ability to treat tumors in patients who are not surgical candidates—are highlighted. Additionally, the article addresses the technical challenges, potential risks, and complications associated with the procedure. The effectiveness of MWA in combination with other therapeutic modalities, such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy, is also discussed. Finally, the article reviews recent advancements in MWA technology, including improvements in probe design, imaging techniques, and treatment precision, offering a glimpse into the future of tumor ablation therapies.

  7. Tarık Şengöz, Özlem Uluyol, İsmail Doğu Kılıç and Doğangün Yüksel

    Objective: In our study, we aimed to investigate the correlation between left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) values measured by four modalities. Materials and methods: Among the patients who underwent myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for ischemia/infarct detection and cardiac PET for cardiac viability evaluation, MUGA imaging was performed in patients who agreed to participate in our study. 12 patients, 10 males (83.3%) and 2 females (16.7%), were included in the study (age: 64.66±9.76 (51-81)). LVEF values were measured in all 3 methods. In addition, LVEF values obtained by ECHO performed in the cardiology clinic were also obtained from the patient file.A value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: LVEF calculated by MUGA SPECT method was found to be statistically significantly higher than LVEF calculated by Tc-99m MIBI GATED SPECT and F-18 FDG cardiac GATED PET (p=0.01; p=0.01). In the Spearman's correlation test, the LVEF value measured in MUGA SPECT showed a positive high correlation with the LVEF values measured in Tc-99m MIBI GATED SPECT and F-18 FDG cardiac GATED PET (p=0.01, r=0.80; p=0.01, r=0.95).A moderate positive correlation was detected between the LVEF value measured in MUGA SPECT and the LVEF value measured in ECHO (p=0.03, r=0.62). Conclusion: Each of the four methods was able to measure LVEF in correlation with each other. LVEF values measured by Tc-99m MIBI GATED SPECT and F-18 FDG GATED cardiac PET showed a high positive correlation with MUGA SPECT. It can be inferred that these examinations can be used interchangeably for LVEF measurement.

Social Sciences and Humanities

  1. Dr. Hameth DIENG and Dr. Cheikh SARR

    The analysis of the results on the clarity of the information regarding transportation arrangements for the physical exam shows a mixed perception among the candidates. Although 67% of respondents found the information clear, a significant proportion of 20.7% expressed difficulties, indicating a need for improvement in communication. Regarding the transparency of the evaluation criteria for the physical tests, 58.6% of participants were satisfied, reinforcing their confidence in the fairness of the process, while nearly a third of respondents perceived a lack of clarity, highlighting the importance of improving the communication of criteria to avoid any sense of injustice. The evaluation of the consideration of weather conditions to ensure the safety of candidates reveals a majority of 62.1% satisfaction, but with a minority of 24.3% expressing concerns, suggesting a need to improve the management and communication of safety measures. Finally, the analysis of overall satisfaction with the administrative and medical admission process in STAPS shows a relatively balanced distribution of opinions, with 46.3% satisfaction versus 33.7% dissatisfaction, indicating perceived shortcomings by a significant group of candidates. This diversity of opinions highlights the importance of a thorough evaluation to identify the aspects of the admission process that require improvements, particularly regarding communication, transparency, and the administrative and medical management, in order to better meet the candidates' expectations.

  2. Hodé Hyacinthe OUINGNON

    Like what is observed in conccrete reality, eros innervates literary fiction with various fortunes whether in Western world or in Africa. In L’Empreinte de l’ange publied in 1998 by Nancy Huston and Si la cour du mouton est sale ce n’est pas au porc de le dire from Florent Cuao Zoti, Eros carries the story in multiples angles: money, sexuality and power structuring then a discourse with multivocal stakes with strong nuances from one writer to another.To Huston, sexuality brings such a shaft that allows Saffie the heroine to overcome the throes of a dysphoric world, to know a moult and to find oneself. In the narrative fiction of Couao Zotti appears as much a social satire as a reflection of good quality on the crossed hunts of the binders between sex, money and power. This study is from a comparative perspective to cross two glances on the figures of Eros to determine the scriptural stakes with a triple heuristic or narrative semiotic, sociocritical inking and Analysis of the discourse.

  3. Vernon A. De Maynard

    Introduction: Online dating fraud, a callous act of deception, manipulation, and exploitation of unsuspecting victims online, continues to pose a significant risk to society. This study examined the role of online disinhibition (ODE), dissociative symptoms (DSS), the propensity to morally disengage (PMD), catfishing (CQ), and compliance (GCS) in online dating fraud. Methods: Using a web-based survey to collect anonymous data in Qualtrics, 345 respondents (47.1% males and 52.6% females with an average age of 50 years, SD = 17.5) completed the web-based survey. Results: Perpetrators of online dating fraud reported significantly more ODE, DSS, PMD, CQandGCS than nonvictims or victims. ODE,DSS, and PMD were significantly associated with each other and contributed significantly to the variance in reported catfishing; however, above-average annual incomes, male sex, DSS, and ODE contributed to victimhood. Conclusion: Both victims and perpetrators of online dating fraud reported significantly more ODE, DSS, PMD, and catfishing than non victims with less inclination to social desirability. However, compliance did not contribute to victimhood. Future research should repeat this study with larger groups of victims and perpetrators and elucidate the phenomena of victims who become perpetrators, further enhancing our understanding of this complex issue.



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Dr. Swamy KRM
Dr. Abdul Hannan A.M.S
Saudi Arabia.
Luai Farhan Zghair
Hasan Ali Abed Al-Zu’bi
Fredrick OJIJA
Firuza M. Tursunkhodjaeva
Faraz Ahmed Farooqi
Saudi Arabia
Eric Randy Reyes Politud
Elsadig Gasoom FadelAlla Elbashir
Eapen, Asha Sarah
United State
Dr.Arun Kumar A
Dr. Zafar Iqbal
Dr. Ruchika Khanna
Dr. Recep TAS
Dr. Rasha Ali Eldeeb
Dr. Pralhad Kanhaiyalal Rahangdale
Dr. Nicolas Padilla- Raygoza
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Saudi Arabia
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Dr. Devendra kumar Gupta
Dr. Ali Seidi
Dr. Achmad Choerudin
Dr Ashok Kumar Verma
Thi Mong Diep NGUYEN
Dr. Muhammad Akram
Dr. Imran Azad
Dr. Meenakshi Malik
Aseel Hadi Hamzah
Anam Bhatti
Md. Amir Hossain
Mirzadi Gohari