Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled, uncoordinated purposeless proliferation of cell that invades the surrounding tissues and to cause metastatic lesions at different body places mainly through blood and lymph vessels. Extensive resources carried out during last century on the control of cancers include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and various kinds of traditional natural and local therapies. Most of these therapies are not so successful because of the fact of rapid multiplication of cancer cells weekly in the host, depressed immunity and imbalance in the body fluids and hormones. Surgery is a good choice of removing the cancer nodule confined to a particular place and at initial stage, this is successful. However, if the metastasis occurred causing same kind of cancer at different body places, then in spite of surgery, the prognosis is very poor because removal of cancer form one site is not sufficient enough as there are many other remaining malignant cells in the body. Similarly, the radio therapy causes alteration in the genetic makeup of the cancer cell directed towards the destruction of rapidly multiplying cells may lead to either recovery or aggravation of the cancer. Almost everyone who receives cancer treatment experiences side effects, which vary according to the treatment and the area of the body undergoing treatment. Chemotherapeutic agents, sometimes called cytotoxic agents because they kill cells, produce toxic side effects on rapidly dividing host tissues such as bone marrow and intestinal mucosa. Some normal cells, including blood cells, hair, and cells lining the gastrointestinal tract are also rapidly dividing, and are most likely to be damaged. Cow urine enhances the immunocompetence and improves general health of an individual. It has vital potential to enhance the activity of macrophages and lymphocytes (both T and B cells), and has been reported to increase the humoral and cellular mediated immunity. Increased immunocompetence of an individual is a very essential parameter to prevent the development of cancers by several mechanisms, of which the upregulation of lymphocyte proliferation and stimulation activity, increased macrophage activity, higher antibody production and increased synthesis and secretion of cytokines (IL-1, Il-2) plays significant role by enhancing the recognition of tumor cells by the immune cells of the body and cytotoxic activities of the tumor killing cells, the lymphocytes. It is an efficient anti-aging factor, since prevents the free radical formation, which could help preventing cancers as the incidences of cancer increases as the one progresses towards old age. Cow urine efficiently repairs the damaged DNA, thus can be very effective for the cancer prevention and therapy, and can also reduce the spread of malignant cancers and help fighting tumors. During the past few years, cow urine therapy has provided promising and authentic results for the treatment of cancer, a deadly malady which is being faced by the mankind and the incidences of which are ever increasing in the current scenario of changed lifestyle and food habits along with exposure to predisposing factors of carcinogens such as tobacco chewing, smoking, alcohol intake, environmental pollutants, occupational health hazards etc. Anti-cancer potential of cow urine therapy has been reflected by several case reports, success stories and practical feedback of patients for the treatment of cancer.