The study takes into account Hindu aeon; Indian epics; instances of god creation; astronomical dates; peculiar behavior and sculpt, besides circumstantial evidences of scientific nature as a medium of the litmus test to demystify religion. A radical rethink by holistic view provide a clearer picture of the truth by assaying religious dogmatism as the swag of unreality. Observation for that includes these: when the Hindu aeon is imaginary, astronomical dates are highly inconsistent due to fictive characters throughout the epics (Ramayana and Mahabharata) and the place (Africa) where the humanity originated do not document various gods of the prominent religions, then the gods’ presence is quite alike the fakes on the flat earth, the half man-half beast, eternal wealth and so on so forth. In furtherance to this, the result by various reasons with respect to an ape-made bridge over the man-made sea, between India and Sri Lanka, appear as much myth-made as the pantheon of non-Vedic gods created by Hindus. Means, god as mystic is actually mythical part of religion. Therefore, Hindu gods not older than 500-100 BCE is perceived far later than the Harappan civilization (> 2,000 BCE) and the rural Aryan-clan’s Vedic civilization (1,500-500 BCE). Also, in contrast to the super-human role in making of a bridge by stacking 7,000 years old rocks on the sandbar of 4,000 years old age, it is observed the older rocks are naturally deposited, and these do not exemplify the magical ape-made bridge made for the king Rama’s army during the Hindu aeon Treta yuga (1,296,000 years BP) when the Earth itself saw no modern humans. Likewise, the Hindu aeons, such as Satya yuga (1,728,000 years BP) and Dwapara yuga (864,000 years BP) cannot be related to the sea made by a king and existence of super-human respectively. These findings offer a new insight into the realm of the god-centric religion; that is, religion and myth have been virtually neck and neck. So is the reason, despite loud claim of unworldly wonders, religion by any wonder did not recognize human evolution. Still beliefs on myths of varying nature by default behavior continue; as if good for everything, and it thrives because one loses sense of reality with religiosity. Which is why, any theology stifling truth despite clear-eyed facts needs to be nixed. By being involved in reality, flash of scientific spirit may alone enlighten the world in a better way.